Dive-In Movies

Film screenings at the Hotel Zazz pool

Dive-In Movies is simple — a pool adventure with a movie screening at the Hotel Zazz pool! There’s a bar (courtesy of Z Lounge), popcorn and other goodies for sale. Mingling and swimming before the movie, swimming and chilling during. Doors open at 7:00pm, movie starts at sunset.

From May 2 to August 29, 2024, along with our awesome partners at Sopapilla Productions, we screened movies every Thursday night (except July 4th).

Dive-In Movies Film Fiesta

On August 29th, we hosted the Dive-In Movies Film Fiesta at the Hotel Zazz. New Mexico filmmakers were invited to submit short films (under 10 minutes) for a chance to be showcased poolside. Honorable Mention, 3rd Place, 2nd Place, and Best Film winners were selected by a panel of local judges.

Behind the Scenes

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The Do's and Don't of Dive-In

Movie Monsters