Bag Check selected at SISFA and the Peoria Film Fest!

Our customs comedy short, Bag Check, was selected for the 2023 SISFA Film Festival and the 2023 Peoria Film Fest.

Our customs comedy short, Bag Check, was nominated for Best Animated Short at the 2023 SISFA Film Festival and the 2023 Peoria Film Fest!

behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes Poster Poster Poster

Thanks to the judges and organizers, and shout out to our whole crew!

  • James Rodriguez
  • Jordyn Bernicke
  • Jay Renteria
  • Taryn Bernicke
  • Jazzy Zama
  • Alonso Indacochea
  • Isaac Guereque
  • Isaiah Aragon
  • Matthew Atkins
  • Kaidin Jarjusey
  • Jeanette Aguilar Harris
  • Matthew Rodriguez
  • Cherrita Thao
  • Mike Diaz
  • Makayla Diaz
  • Daniel Devera
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