The Haunters raises over $3,000 on Kickstarter!

In order to pay cast and crew during the strikes, we raised over $3K to make The Haunters!

Written and directed by the incomparable Kaidin Jarjusey, a talented up-and-coming filmmaker and Dust Wave regular, this is a horror/comedy short about the worst ghost hunters you’ve ever seen.

Our projects are typically passion projects, and this one was no different — however, because many of our members in the film industry are currently out of work, we wanted to pay our cast and crew for their efforts.

So we reached out to our community ... and in one day, we made our goal! Then, over the course of the campaign, we more than doubled our ask!

behind the scenes

Our shoot was on Oct. 14-15 at the Corrales Community Library, and we're currently in post-production. We're aiming to release the film in early 2024.

behind the scenes
behind the scenes

Thanks to all the backers for supporting this project! And look out for The Haunters in 2024.

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