High Times at the Ranger Bowl-a-Rama nominated for Best Animated Short at A Night of Misfit Films 2023!

Our stop-motion short, High Times at the Ranger Bowl-a-Rama, was nominated for Best Animated Short at A Night of Misfit Films 2023.

Our stop-motion short, High Times at the Ranger Bowl-a-Rama, was nominated for Best Animated Short at A Night of Misfit Films 2023!

Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes

Thanks to the judges and organizers, and shout out to our whole crew!

  • James Rodriguez
  • Jordyn Bernicke
  • Jay Renteria
  • Austin Madrid
  • Brandon Carter
  • Alonso Indacochea
  • Taryn Bernicke
  • Jacklyn Le
  • Matthew Atkins
  • Kaidin Jarjusey
  • Ryan Lewis
  • Camille Carlson
  • Cherrita Thao
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